Page 16 - 中国仿真学会通讯2020第1期
P. 16
Figure 5: The Three New Main Directions.
Figure 4: Modeling process
Figure 6: The Direction and the Angle of Rotation.
n→t = →nfb × →nx 3.2 Facade Modeling Based on the
Hierarchical Reconstruction
θ = arccos(→nfb ·→nx ) (1)
We reconstruct the building facade based on the
Where →nt is the direction of rotation axis, is the hierarchicalreconstruction method, which is
shown as the Algorithm 2.
rotation angle, n→x = (1,0,0)
6. Using Pfb⁃lr for linear fitting iteratively based on the
RANSAC algorithm until the remaining point cloud
do not satisfy the condition of straight line fitting, Algorithm 2: Facade Modeling Based on the
leading to obtain a set of fitted lines L
7. Calculating the distance between any two lines and Input: The facade point cloud of the building
the corresponding number of point, then we can
cluster and merge the lines to get the new set of 1. Traversing each of the front and back layer, rotating
fitted lines L′ Pfbi according to equation (2) to obtain a new point
8. Calculating the fitted plane equations of the front and cloud P′fbi ,as shown in Figure 6
back layers PLj ( j = 1,...... n) according to n→FB and n→t = n→FB × n→z
L′, where n represents the number of the front and θ = arccos( n→FB ·n→z ) (2)
back layers. The result is shown in Figure 4( e)
9. Clustering planar patches Where →nt is the direction of rotation axis, θ is the
for i = 1 to m rotationangle, →nz = (0,0,1)
Finding the front and back layer PLj closest to PPi 2. Creating a new black image. For each pixel point p
Letting c(i) = j ( ui , vj ) if there are points in the circular
for i = 1 to m
Finding the planar patch PPj closest to PPi neighborhood with radius r centered on pi
Setting the pixel value of p ( ui ,vj ) = ( 255,255,
if c(i) ! = c(j) and the centroid of planar patch PPj is
higher than PPi , letting c(j) = c(i) 255) ,which iswhite
10. for i = 1 to m
r = 1.5np (3)
if c(i) = 1 nx ny
Projecting PPi onto the corresponding front and Where np represents the number of point clouds in
back layer, and the optimized layered point cloud this layer, and nx ,ny represent the image size
Pfbi( j = 1,......n) ( Figure 4( g) ) can be obtained