Page 26 - 中国仿真学会通讯2020第1期
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computational speedups are less than 1 as the times especially when the computational results
occlusion points and the viewpoints are so close are intervisible.
that the computing stops soon and the
computational number of RSGs is less. The In the future, higher precision data will be
computational number of RSGs and computational needed for more accurate and realistic results.
time increase linearly and continually with the Decreasing the time ratio of copying memories is
increasing heights of viewpoints and targets until considerable. In addition, numerous allocated
the results are intervisible. Based on the threads, more parallelizable intervisibility
computational number of RSGs and computational methods and high⁃efficiency parallel technologies
time for one LoS, the average computational time can be used.
of single grid is 0.4μs.
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